Monday, 11 May 2015


Don’t be too sure of yourself even if you have perfect ear and good musical memory!

By Siwen Wong

What were the causes of failing various diplomas?

(1)    The teacher/parents/student got not much idea regarding the expected passing standard of a particular music exam board’s various diplomas. Also they got not much idea regarding the marking style and standard of a particular country’s music exam board. For an example, I learned that a certain country’s exam board could award a diploma candidate’s exam performance highly with almost 98 or 99 out of 100%, but such marking of 98% or 99% marking to reward a diploma exam candidate could become a historical record for ABRSM and TGH exam boards!

Note: Don’t be fooled by those student-parents when they bragged that their daughter/son scored closed to a 100% distinction.  Comically, this kind of parents usually would also criticize the exam board that failed their kid and they would highly recommend highly of the exam board that passed their kid's exam with distinction!

(2)    Stringent examiners may require a diploma student’s performance reaching semi-professional or professional standard, that including how well-trained/developed was such student’s dexterity and techniques, understanding and interpretation of music, how mature was the presentation. A close-to-perfect or perfect performance is a MUST! And the repertoire must be memorized if it’s a recital diploma.

(3)    Think too highly or overconfident of own student/ own kid/own teaching’s standard or musical talents. Usually these students would prepare their diploma exam in less than three month time, only after they registered the exam, then they started to learn their repertoire. They couldn’t make it on time to memorize their repertoire, there was no auto reflects developed yet in their performance and that could be easily revealed during their performance. This was mainly caused by they thought that diploma standard was easy like their Gr. 8 standard.  

Note: To perform confidently in the public audience or exam, a student must perform at least 7 times for a group of people/mock recital to secure  perfection.

(4)    Bad selection of repertoire. Never select an easy repertoire for a diploma exam just because your child/student was young. Choose the right repertoire to suite the character of your child/student is more important than if you were familiar with certain pieces in the exam repertoire list! Those repertoires that you were familiar with not necessary helpful for such student’s character, students must like his/her repertoire, even they didn’t like it at first, this usually happened to a modern piece. Avant Garde piece’s sound actually could be acquired if it was taught properly by a teacher.

Note: A well-balanced repertoire is a MUST.

(5)    Began to acquire resources and research your repertoire and prepare to write program notes from the first day you prepare to learn it. Don’t burn midnight oil that actually happened frequently to many diploma students.

Note: Never copy and paste information acquired from internet, these days’ examiners all have access to internet!

(6)    Get ready your exam’s attire/shoes months before the exam. Don’t spend too much time over your make-up and hair on the day of exam. Skills to make yourself look smart/nice with little effort and time is very important!

(7)    Learn a performance’s etiquette – how to bow to the audience (examiner) humbly and politely before and after the performance, the appropriate pausing timing between pieces.

(8)    Good exam piano is important, diploma exam must use a grandpiano with all three pedals functional, as impressionistic music performance may require both una corda pedal and sostenuto pedal other than just sustain pedal alone.

(9)    Good tuner is required - badly tuned piano’s disturbing timbre might irritate well-seasoned examiner’s ears!

(10)Good acoustic is required for an exam hall/suite – the pleasing sound could generate one’s good mood. Exam hall/suite needs to decorate nicely, sound proof, temperature must be right.