Saturday 31 December 2016

Latest Update of Piano Studio Launching at Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand

Dear Students, Student-Parents and Blogspot Friends from all over the world,

Picture: Dec 26th, 2016. I organized pianist dexterity and performance aesthetics masterclasses at Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, Finally able to meet one of our Blogspot readers, she contacted me three years ago when her daughters were still very young, finally on this date, we met, she brought her three little cute and talented daughters for this masterclass. For security reason, I don't post the young students' picture on this Blogspot. 

Picture: Many of you would wonder what did during my hibernating from the music industry .... actually I enrolled a chef school, I already earned several certificates and also a London City Guild's diploma. Thus I was even given a piece of A5 Saga Beef as Boxing Day gift from Japanese BBQ Restaurant (, Thank You Ng San San of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for this ultimate treat, please don't miss to visit Ng San San's restaurants with the link attached!

Happy New Year 2017! It has been a few years I haven't post anything on this blog, for music education sites, I found some articles I posted got very high browsing rate, that's why I never deleted this website

After a long hibernation from the music industry, in between I only composed, arranged and produced two music trailers, I decided to launch my piano teaching again at Grafton area, Auckland, New Zealand after my ex-staff, a lawyer convinced me that I should start to teach again to continue our decades of known quality teaching to train students' dexterity. Last year end, 2016 was quite a sad time for me when I heard that my beloved mentor - Polish piano professor deceased in Texas, whenever I missed him, I felt that I should teach piano again.

Here I would like to encourage our blog spot readers to join and like my Facebook. As I have an almost completed a book with revolutionized methods to train pianist's dexterity and performance aesthetics, I need your feedback especially your opinions - if you can tell me your greatest weakness that crippled your better performance, I will send you tips to overcome your problem, then you give me feedback, I need more case-study. I plan to publish this book about mid-2017 in both English and Chinese versions. 

Please don't hesitate to email me if you need help, for your information especially readers from Hong Kong and Taiwan, I can read and write Mandarin.
My email:

If you want my faster email response, please join my Facebook, don't forget to send a little note to introduce yourself, I will be very happy to hear from you.

All the best for the new year ahead.

Best Regards, 
Siwen Wong

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